Art Studio Video

Enter a Painting

This unusual animation walks through an apartment, a painting of the front door rolls off the wall, you walk into the painting, then start at the apartment's front door again. An original painting titled, Prayer, hangs on the wall. The viewer looks from inside an upside down vehicle.

Tap - Play On:Off

Video Goes Through a Painting


An original painting titled, Prayer, hangs on the wall and represents God's answer to prayer just as my truck rolled on the freeway.

See my art at Saatchi. Prints are available.

Person in an Upside Down Truck

Art Creation

Measurements of my studio and easle were taken to prepare models with 3ds Max. The desk and chair were merged from a third party.

The camera enters the door and zooms to the easle while the painting rotates off the wall. The painting's mapped with the first frame of the animation.

Outside the window a mountain scene's mapped to the inside of a sphere, with inverted normals.

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Most models are prepared by Seven Thunder Software with 3ds Max, exported with my free 3D Translator app. Architectural rendering's then mapped to the inside of a cube for fast online display with WebGL. Other video topics compose for MP3, GIF, and other useful formats, with After Effects, Photoshop and GIF Animator.

Software technologies include JavaScript, WebGL, GLSL shaders, HTML5 and CSS. Graphics applications include 3ds Max and Photoshop. 3D Translator was prepared with Visual Studio C#, UWP (Windows 10) and WPF (Windows 7 on up).

architecture, 3D rendering, video, After Effects, Animated GIF, GIF animation, Web GL, 3D Programming, 3D Development, 3D Media, 3D Web, scenes, backgrounds, 3D background, environment, 3D Web Design, 3D Web Development, 3D Website, HTML 5, 3D models, 3D model