Art Elements Game: 36 Cards

Game of Concentration: Matching Game. Help

Tap Two Cards. Remember, Find & Select Matching Images.

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Play the free Art Elements Game of concentration with 36 cards. Tap two cards to find matching images. Learn about artistic elements while playing. Play up to twelve levels!


Learn about elements of design while playing the Art Elements games. Tap a card. The card turns over to display a graphic representing an art element or concept, such as texture, scale, perspective, saturation, points, translucency or repetition. Read a description of the selected element, in the information area.

Find and tap on matching cards to make your score increase. Select any card to learn about art.

Tap & Remember

Tap two cards. Each card flips over, revealing a picture underneath. Remember the location of each picture. Find and select two cards at a time, with matching pictures. Your score increases for each matching set. Your score decreases when you select two cards that don't match.


Each level increases scoring by ten more points. The free Art Elements games include twelve levels. Each level's more difficult. The higher the level, the higher the score.

Scores accumulate from one level to the next. For example level one's score adds to level two's score. Level two's score adds to level three's score. Scores sum all the way through level twelve. Post your score, after completing a level, and it saves with the online scoreboard.

  1. Earn ten points for each match on the first level.
    Lose five points for each mismatch on the first level.
  2. Earn twenty points for each match on the second level.
    Lose ten points for each mismatch on the second level.
  3. Earn one hundred twenty points for each match on the twelfth level!
    Lose sixty points for each mismatch on the twelfth level.

Post Your Score

After completing a level, enter a user name and password, in the form above. Select the Post Score button above to place your score in the online scoreboard. Select the Next Level button above, to play the next level!


At any time select the Reset button, to start at level one again.

Design Concepts


Points: By nature we often apply meaning to points. Our eyes automatically connect two points on a page. Often we blend similar points in an image. Therefore some images, composed of only points or dots, appear as if prepared with solid colors.


Translucency: Translucent elements allow some light to shine through such that viewers can partially see objects behind translucent elements.


Scale: Scale and proportion communicate size and distance.


Saturation: The most saturated colors use just one wavelength at high intensity. Highly saturated images are colorful.


Gradients: Smooth color transitions.


Monochrome: Monochromatic images use one hue with one or more values.


Perspective: Perspective provides a sense of depth.


Analogues: Colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel are considered analogues.

complementary colors

Complementary Color: Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are considered complementary colors.


Repetition: Pattern or repetition reinforce a concept or provide a sense of texture.

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